Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Make-up Tips

Hello there darlings and welcome back!!!

I am going to apologize in advance...I am having another one of those exhausting days (I should get that checked out..) so please do not hate me if my grammar is off or if I am not making any sense.

Today I am going to give you some make-up tips that I use pretty much on a daily bases. These are some things that work for me and that I hope will work for you! So, if you want to know more please keep reading...

Tip #1--Lashes
For those who know me, you know how much time I put into applying my mascara. I use to spend 10 minutes just applying mascara and trying to get them to stay up. Not only that, but the fact that I would get mascara on my fingers (from trying to get them to stay up) and all over the tube...it was ridiculous. Well, I learned that a fan would soon become my best friend (hey)! Here is what I do...I sit in front of my fan and I apply my mascara. It drys the coats that I apply that much quicker and lets not forget that it helps with getting my lashes to stay up (well for a short time because after all I live in Texas).  I apply anywhere from 2-6 coats of mascara ( I know that sounds like a lot, but I need that much if I want these babies to stand out).

Tip# 2--Lipstick 
So something that I heard about and adapted into my routine is wearing lip liner. I know most women wear lip liner, but I like to shade in my lips with my liner before applying lipstick. This helps with my wonderful lipstick's longevity.

Tip # 3--Brushes/ Sponges 
Girl, you need to keep those babies clean! Here is why, when you are applying make-up with your brushes/ sponges on a daily or every other day bases, you are just collecting more residue. So, every time you pick up your brush/ sponge and put it to your face you are adding unwanted bacteria. Try to clean your brushes at least once a week (twice if you can). I know it's a hassle, but let's face it would you rather have a flawless face or have to constantly treat unwanted guests on your pretty little face? Your choice!

Tip # 4---H20
Not much to say other than DRINK your WATER, okay?!?! I know everybody talks about this, but it's seriously no joke. Water does so much good for the body and it also helps with complexion. So, make sure you get your 6-8 cups a day because I know I do!!!

Last, but not least Tip # 5--Blend
When I am doing my make-up I am constantly blending everything out. I do not want to see any lines that define where the products I applied to my face begin and end. Which leads me to blending out foundation. Always and I do mean always blend your foundation to your neck. I sometimes will take it as for as my chest, but that's usually in the winter time. However for blending out your bronzer or blush a good tool to have is a stippling brush. I use the one from Real Techniques where I purchased it from Ulta for I think $9. It might have been less than that.

Well, that is all the tips I have for now. If you have any tips that you would like to share please leave them below and I would be more than happy to try them out. Be on the look out for a new post tomorrow because it is....REVIEW DAY!!! Also, if you have any suggestions on products to try leave that below and I will see what I can do. :)

Until next time darlings,

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